What is FLOCKS?

FLOCKS is the acronym for Financial Literate OFW Christian in the Kingdom. It’s a project conceptualized by Harmony of Christian Faith Fellowship (HCFF) to educate believers about investing

FLOCKS Mission

To be able to teach believers of Christ of proper Financial Handling. To Teach Believers of Christ on how to invest their money so that it could be used in the Ministry in their Retiring age. Not to see OFW Believers of Christ going to Philippines without savings or investment


Believers of Christ will not have any problem in continuing with their Ministry even if they are in the Philippines because they are financially prepared.

Financial LIteracy

We teach about Biblical Principle of Investing

Mutual Funds

We assist in starting with Mutual Funds and teaching about different Risk in Investing

Stock Market

We teach people on how to start in Stock Market

Proverbs 21:20 There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise, But a foolish man swallows it up.

Below are our dynamic Financial Literacy Advocate with their contact details, who are willing to help you with your question